Latest Furniture Trends For Office You Should Know About

Offices aren’t any longer the boring cubicles, multiple private offices and large conference rooms. Nowadays, offices are the environment where people work as well as learn. It’s important to make the staff feel good in this space. Hence, we decided to share some of the office furniture trends that may result in better employee satisfaction rate as well as productivity.

1. What are dynamic office furniture options?

In recent times, the latest trend with the spaces available becoming extremely smaller in size is multifunctional furniture.

2.  Office design trends should have privacy, but not isolation – how do you achieve this!

It is important to own a thin line balance between open work design and cubicles. Both have their own positives & negatives. On one hand an open design would give space for interaction, however on the other it will affects the worker’s focus as well. The trend is moving towards reduced individual spaces, with space becoming expensive.

In addition, several organizations have re-planned their offices with cut back on private offices and are fully replacing them with more collaborative office spaces.

3.  What are the brand new changes in modular office benching as well as latest furniture trends taking place?

The furniture that is meant to offer a brand new and fresh look to the office with in limited time and make use of space in automated way is known as modular furniture. Except for the particle board used traditionally, there’s a recent development and new materials like glass snapped into aluminium, SS partitions, molded plastic are some new entrants.

4.  List down a variety of 5 new popular melamine colours utilized in office space nowadays.

The colors of the season which have found their ways within the office are parrot green and cyan. These colours pep up the boring environment while on the other hand the dark wood wenge, black white and silver are still amongst the favorites.

5.  Elaborate on the newest trend of office chairs.

Office chair plays a really important role within the success and growth of a corporation. Since workers spend maximum time sitting on the chair so it’s important that the chairs are ergonomically designed so that they’re comfortable besides being stylish.

The metal framed body with gas lift is stereo typed to all office chairs, however nowadays mesh fabric has way more selling than the standard velvette or leather.

Mesh is a material that is super breathable and keeps whoever is using the chair fresh & cool, thus allowing air to circulate quite easily. Usually, mesh chairs are much more lighter as compared to their padded counterparts, thus making moving them around all the more easier.

6.  Why isn’t it a decent idea to buy some extra ordinary cabinets in bright colors or in irregular shapes for office furniture?

While an irregular reception table are often welcoming and add an element of surprise to the entrance, we would strongly recommend taking regular shapes for the remainder of the furniture. Placing irregular furniture at office would add your own identity and distinction to space but wouldn’t be a rational choice in terms of utilization of space.

Regular furniture gives more storage, more work area, more circulation and is simple to relocate. A pep of colour is almost always welcomed but too many bright colours would become obsolete with time & would become an excellent obstruction to focus.

7.  Why glass tables and cabinets are a big no-no for office furniture?

Who has the time to keep the glass cabinet neat & tidy all the time? Every body’s responsibly is nobody’s responsibly holds true when it actually comes to office furniture. Glass definitely needs an extra case and isn’t accident free and might cause injury to people at distance as well.

8.  What’s the perfect size of individual workspace station?

The perfect size of individuals work space should be about 4’ x 2’. Computer desk should have ample space after placing the monitor or LCD and also the distance & height of monitor from the user, placement of keyboard & mouse have to be designed to suit the comfort. Sturdiness is a must and while adjustable height is another advantage. Accessories like filing cabinets, wall hanging to keep pen holders, built in letter trays, visiting card holders, desk organizers, inbuilt lights are some add-ons to it.

9.  How can meeting rooms be designed to encourage discussion and free-flow of ideas?

Meeting areas have different utilities. Informal meeting areas that are small in size are vital for creative ideas to flow and allowing casual conversation. This further allows elaborating, communicating and tossing ideas and formulating plan of action in high energy and excitement. Moreover, with traditional meeting in large conference, with long tables, is usually found to be low energy and less efficient. Good lighting and ventilation is a definite must to any work area.

Furthermore, the innovatively designed meeting area is sort of like a cherry on the cake. Small meeting areas which might allow reconfiguration to become one big are amongst the best designs. Additionally, some of the facilities such as comfortable temperature, audio visual screens, enough electrical points for laptops and accessories are the few requisites . The direct glare of sunlight on the screen should be avoided as much as possible.

We hope you find this blog on office furniture trends useful. For more information contact Space Deco or visit our website.

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